Thursday, February 26, 2009

Pelican Case For Nikon D60

translated from German into Russian piece our past

translated from German into Russian, the subject matter - a story made for an hour
Übersetzung aus dem Deutschen ins Russische, Thematik - Geschichte. Arbeit wurde im Laufe einer Stunde gemacht.

(Nr. 601 ) Albrecht Haushofer und der Widerstand gegen Hitler

Albrecht Haushofer and the resistance movement to Hitler

Eine der grundlegenden Thesen von Dr. Rainer Hildebrandt, dem Gründer und langjährigen Leiter des Mauermuseums - Museum Haus am Checkpoint Charlie, lautete: "In diesem Haus hat die Division of Germany not begin with the end of World War II, but with its beginning by the Nazis invaded Poland, France and the Soviet Union. "Therefore, the participants in the assassination attempt on Hitler on 20 July 1944 dedicated to the entrance of our museum. Also, Rainer Hildebrandt's teacher and friend, Albrecht Haushofer, belonged to the circle of the assassins of '20 July. "

Один из основополагающих тезисов доктора Rainer Gildebrant, founder and head of the open-air museum - the house-museum at Checkpoint Charlie, sounded as follows: "In this house began the division of Germany, which did not happen at the end of World War II, but at the very beginning, when Hitler attacked Poland, France and the Soviet Union. " That is why the first exhibition at the entrance to our museum are devoted to the participants to assassinate Hitler on July 20, 1944. Among the offenses against "On July 20" also belonged to the teacher and friend Rainer Gildebrant, Albrecht Haushofer.

Albrecht Haushofer wurde am 7. Januar 1903 als Sohn des Generals und Geopolitikers Karl Haushofer and his wife Martha was born in Munich.

From 1928 to 1938 he was General Secretary of the Geographical Society in Berlin and editor of the eponymous magazine.

1940 he was appointed professor of political geography and geopolitics at the University of Berlin.

Альбрехт Хаусхофер родился January 7, 1903 in Munich in the family of general and geopolitics of Karl Haushofer and his wife Martha.

From 1928 to 1938 he served as General Secretary of the Community Geography »( Gesellschaft f ü r Erdkunde ) in Berlin and served as managing editor of the newspaper of the same name.

In 1940 he was appointed professor of political geography and geopolitics in the University of Berlin.

Am 7. Dezember 1944 wurde Albrecht Haushofer im Zuge der Ermittlungen nach dem Attentat vom 20. Juli arrested 1944th In prison Lehrterstrasse (in the Moabit district of Berlin), he wrote the "Moabite Sonnets", applied as an impressive example of resistance against the Nazi regime. On the night of 23 24th April 1945, he was killed with 14 other prisoners without trial by an SS command in the neck shot. 1946 published his student Dr. Rainer Hildebrandt, the "Moabite Sonnets" posthumously.

7-го декабря 1944 года Альбрехт Haushofer was arrested in connection with an investigation into the assassination attempt on July 20, 1944. In prison at Lehrter Strasse ( Lehrter Stra ß e ) (in Berlin part of town called Moabit), he composed "Moabit sonnets, which are considered clear evidence of confrontation to the Nazi regime. On the night of 23 to 24 April 1945 he was with 14 other prisoners were executed without trial, shot in the neck according to the order of the SS. In 1946, his student Dr. Rainer Gildebrant published посмертно его "Моабитские сонеты."

(No. 602) NKVD camp

Immediately after the Second World War were in the Soviet zone of occupation by the Soviet secret service NKVD (People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs), several "special camps" set up and many people interned. In these camps, or former Nazi concentration camps, were indeed a small part of war criminals, but most people and many young people who had been arbitrarily arrested completely off the street without that its members knew about it. The suffering of thousands of people crammed together in confined spaces from hunger, cold and lack of medical care. In the period 1945-1950 of around 123 000 internees died about 43,000 from malnutrition, dysentery, tuberculosis and other diseases caused by imprisonment. In ihnen waren Deutsche, Russen, Ukrainer, Weißrussen, Polen, Ungarn, Österreicher, Litauer, Esten und andere Nationalitäten. Das Deutsche Rote Kreuz sucht weiter nach Angehörigen.

NKVD camps

Immediately after World War II in the Soviet zone of occupation was built more "special camps" under the direction of the secret service NKVD (People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs) and countless people were interned. In these camps, some of whom were former Nazi concentration camps, sat in a minority of war criminals for the most part these were people who were deliberately caught on the street, and their relatives did not know about it. Thousands throng of people, stuffed into a small room, suffering from hunger, cold and lack of medical care. During the period from 1945 to 1950 to approximate data from 123,000 to 43,000 internees died from malnutrition, dysentery, tuberculosis and other diseases caused by the conditions of detention. Among them were German, Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Poles, Hungarians, Austrians, Lithuanians and other nationalities. German Red Cross is still looking for their relatives.


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