Sunday, April 15, 2007

Blue Cheese Templates

The sun tickles me on the Po .....:)

Yesterday it was to experience culture in the culture factory, with heavy current and the reapers)

While it was a short and likewise a cracking, drying concert of the 4 guys from Heavy-current. Unfortunately, they were
only sliver of the reapers, the celebrated her 10th birthday and where is Ralf lead singer. In addition to very nice conversation with Jan and Louis and a few drinks we had with drea a really nice evening * Informative & inspirierent *

And when I was with my Wauzi that way ne schlümme cut violation had or has to make this morning feini I'm I'm crazy people .... what's that horny weather.
flowers outside and smell everything it feels like sex, the sun rays penetrate through an through, the air smells so good even the summer because you can clearly felt in the last days .... otherwise everything is going in the old tubes are also good and with my nurse I know teaching is still au net: (

Ps: gez-mafia shit always pay and get no benefit as I hate this racketeer-.....

Otherwise my love enjoy the beautiful hours out in nature

Baba .......:)