Thursday, February 26, 2009

Pelican Case For Nikon D60

translated from German into Russian piece our past

translated from German into Russian, the subject matter - a story made for an hour
Übersetzung aus dem Deutschen ins Russische, Thematik - Geschichte. Arbeit wurde im Laufe einer Stunde gemacht.

(Nr. 601 ) Albrecht Haushofer und der Widerstand gegen Hitler

Albrecht Haushofer and the resistance movement to Hitler

Eine der grundlegenden Thesen von Dr. Rainer Hildebrandt, dem Gründer und langjährigen Leiter des Mauermuseums - Museum Haus am Checkpoint Charlie, lautete: "In diesem Haus hat die Division of Germany not begin with the end of World War II, but with its beginning by the Nazis invaded Poland, France and the Soviet Union. "Therefore, the participants in the assassination attempt on Hitler on 20 July 1944 dedicated to the entrance of our museum. Also, Rainer Hildebrandt's teacher and friend, Albrecht Haushofer, belonged to the circle of the assassins of '20 July. "

Один из основополагающих тезисов доктора Rainer Gildebrant, founder and head of the open-air museum - the house-museum at Checkpoint Charlie, sounded as follows: "In this house began the division of Germany, which did not happen at the end of World War II, but at the very beginning, when Hitler attacked Poland, France and the Soviet Union. " That is why the first exhibition at the entrance to our museum are devoted to the participants to assassinate Hitler on July 20, 1944. Among the offenses against "On July 20" also belonged to the teacher and friend Rainer Gildebrant, Albrecht Haushofer.

Albrecht Haushofer wurde am 7. Januar 1903 als Sohn des Generals und Geopolitikers Karl Haushofer and his wife Martha was born in Munich.

From 1928 to 1938 he was General Secretary of the Geographical Society in Berlin and editor of the eponymous magazine.

1940 he was appointed professor of political geography and geopolitics at the University of Berlin.

Альбрехт Хаусхофер родился January 7, 1903 in Munich in the family of general and geopolitics of Karl Haushofer and his wife Martha.

From 1928 to 1938 he served as General Secretary of the Community Geography »( Gesellschaft f ü r Erdkunde ) in Berlin and served as managing editor of the newspaper of the same name.

In 1940 he was appointed professor of political geography and geopolitics in the University of Berlin.

Am 7. Dezember 1944 wurde Albrecht Haushofer im Zuge der Ermittlungen nach dem Attentat vom 20. Juli arrested 1944th In prison Lehrterstrasse (in the Moabit district of Berlin), he wrote the "Moabite Sonnets", applied as an impressive example of resistance against the Nazi regime. On the night of 23 24th April 1945, he was killed with 14 other prisoners without trial by an SS command in the neck shot. 1946 published his student Dr. Rainer Hildebrandt, the "Moabite Sonnets" posthumously.

7-го декабря 1944 года Альбрехт Haushofer was arrested in connection with an investigation into the assassination attempt on July 20, 1944. In prison at Lehrter Strasse ( Lehrter Stra ß e ) (in Berlin part of town called Moabit), he composed "Moabit sonnets, which are considered clear evidence of confrontation to the Nazi regime. On the night of 23 to 24 April 1945 he was with 14 other prisoners were executed without trial, shot in the neck according to the order of the SS. In 1946, his student Dr. Rainer Gildebrant published посмертно его "Моабитские сонеты."

(No. 602) NKVD camp

Immediately after the Second World War were in the Soviet zone of occupation by the Soviet secret service NKVD (People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs), several "special camps" set up and many people interned. In these camps, or former Nazi concentration camps, were indeed a small part of war criminals, but most people and many young people who had been arbitrarily arrested completely off the street without that its members knew about it. The suffering of thousands of people crammed together in confined spaces from hunger, cold and lack of medical care. In the period 1945-1950 of around 123 000 internees died about 43,000 from malnutrition, dysentery, tuberculosis and other diseases caused by imprisonment. In ihnen waren Deutsche, Russen, Ukrainer, Weißrussen, Polen, Ungarn, Österreicher, Litauer, Esten und andere Nationalitäten. Das Deutsche Rote Kreuz sucht weiter nach Angehörigen.

NKVD camps

Immediately after World War II in the Soviet zone of occupation was built more "special camps" under the direction of the secret service NKVD (People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs) and countless people were interned. In these camps, some of whom were former Nazi concentration camps, sat in a minority of war criminals for the most part these were people who were deliberately caught on the street, and their relatives did not know about it. Thousands throng of people, stuffed into a small room, suffering from hunger, cold and lack of medical care. During the period from 1945 to 1950 to approximate data from 123,000 to 43,000 internees died from malnutrition, dysentery, tuberculosis and other diseases caused by the conditions of detention. Among them were German, Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Poles, Hungarians, Austrians, Lithuanians and other nationalities. German Red Cross is still looking for their relatives.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What Processor Could My Computer Handle

treatment of parasites within us using bio-resonance therapy

as well also collaborate with people for a long time! written another article for the site , it can be found below)

Humanity has reached unprecedented first peaks of development. We were able to conquer the water, land, air and fire, disengage the atom in its elements, to fly to the moon, closer to Mars, "vgryztsya" machines in the bowels of the earth. But we were not able to conquer what lies within us and that is very often the cause of serious diseases, although the initial stage amenable to very simple treatment. We could not get rid of parasites in us! Comes to treatment of parasites is much more complicated than, for example, space flight?

in any textbook on biology, you will find the information that a person is in charge of the food chain of the Earth, but is it really? Each day together with us live viruses, bacteria and parasites, ranging from protozoa and ending with bovine chain length of several meters, and even tens of meters. In this case, all these beings take us of our vitality - fatigue comes quickly, there are dizziness, feel like eating, but it seems that none of this for future use. Tapeworms, worms, roundworm, pinworm, Giardia, and many others shorten our lives, eating a piece of us every second.

Let Let us examine in more detail, what is the parasites and the role they play in our lives? The abundance of terrifying information about parasites in us may cause suspicion that the people offering their services to get rid of multiple species of worms, is simply too much information and made a big attempt in this to force us to pay them money. But if we dig deep into the described problem, it becomes abundantly clear that this is not true and the statistics and research both our and foreign scientists with a capital letter confirms our conclusion.

According to World Health Organization (WHO), more than 4.5 billion people suffer from parasitic diseases worldwide, but it's just the official figures. Unofficially, it is believed that between 95 and 99% of the total world population infected worms in one form or another. After all, these creatures can live in the organs, blood plasma, body cavities and tissues.

interesting to know that the purifying of the body, if you go to really knowledgeable person, you will be given instructions for maximum cleaning your body from the mentioned uninvited guests, as well as before the treatment of virtually all diseases are urged to get rid of the same parasite, the only problem lies in the fact that many doctors or do not know or they are simply not profitable for you to get rid of your disease forever! Upon learning this information, it becomes apparent relationship between the People's and official medicine, because originally they had a common goal, just the way of achieving it are different.

talk to any experienced doctor, you can open secret that a significant proportion of disease was the consequence is we are living in these small not nice creatures. Do not forget about other causes, mention that it is the waste products of worms cause the appearance of cancerous tumors that have proven scientific research, namely Worms can cause acne, seborrhea, early wrinkles on the face of chronic tonsillitis, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, early baldness, papillomas, delamination and brittle nails, frequent acute respiratory infections, sore throats, polyps, snoring in his sleep. In addition, the pain in women, inflammation of the ovaries, fibrocystic breast disease, disturbance of menstrual periods cycle, fibroma, myoma, painful periods with bleeding, breakdown, inflammation, adrenal gland, bladder and kidney, as well as prostatitis and impotence, adenoma, cystitis, sand and stones in the kidney, the urinary bladder in males may be a consequence of the above invasions. And it's not all! Poisoning toxins, which isolated during the life of worms, can cause mental disorders.

also worth mentioning that parasites use all the nutrients that come the body of their host, so if you are taking micronutrients, vitamins and minerals specifically in the hope to increase your immunity, you need to know that not cleansed of worms, all efforts in vain. If the human body have long been exposed to various parasites, but rather all it will create conditions for the occurrence of malnutrition and secondary immunodeficiency due to a continuous struggle against foreign substances. As you may be is known, this leads to the development of chronic diseases, which are cured by conventional methods is often impossible.

So what to do person with these ill-wishers? In fact, do not be afraid of the above information, because there are two ways to get rid of parasites. The first method is the use of drugs, however, if the degree of infestation of the body is high, then they will not produce the slightest effect. Also Almost all Anthelminthics medicines designed to combat worms that live in the gastrointestinal tract, it means that such treatment first will save you far from all worms, secondly the presence of large colonies of these creatures is a high risk of poisoning toxins released during their reaction to medications that can sometimes even lead to death.

How to conduct effective and painless treatment worms, ascarids, pinworms, lamblia and other animals from this category? The answer is simple, use the second method - bio-resonance therapy, which is based effects on the body using electromagnetic waves.

A ntiparazitarny device «BIOMEDIS" is the apex of the development of bio-resonance therapy, as it combines all the achievements of this branch of medicine at the moment. To understand the principle of "BIOMEDIS" need to know that all creatures, from viruses and ending with man, have the individual variations for each individual species is typical of a certain range frequency electromagnetic waves, and if, for example, a person becomes ill, its frequency changes. The most interesting thing is that even just removing the testimony of its own frequencies can learn all about their own illness, which is not even apparent, but are only in the initial stage. As you can guess the same way You can learn about the presence or absence of worms in the human body.

So, in 1988 doctor naturopath Hilda Clark invented the so-called sinhrometr. This unit intended to find a single frequency electromagnetic resonance of the electromagnetic spectrum, which emit the already mentioned microbes, worms, toxins and many other harmful substances. According to its conclusions after studying with this unit, more than 90% of all chronic diseases appear later worms and ekotoksinov.

unique device "BIOMEDIS" lies in the fact that in one case a multi-functional device that combines the action of endogenous bio-resonance therapy apparatus, the apparatus of exogenous bio-resonance therapy techniques Voll, Schmidt и Райфа, а также аппарата антипаразитарной корректировки по методике доктора Х.Кларк.

Принцип действия данного антипаразитарного аппарата прост, like all brilliant. First removed individual patient's electromagnetic waves, and then depending on a given program is chosen frequency electromagnetic effects, which aims to strengthen the normal vibrations of the human body and the weakening of the rhythms of worms. In this case, treatment parasites occurs at the molecular level, which significantly reduces the risk of poisoning poisons mentioned parasites and reduces exposure to these toxins per person.

If you're tired of being ill and want to finally live a normal life, you have only one option - Antiparasitic apparatus "BIOMEDIS, which at no additional cost within a few months will relieve you of your most unpleasant companions who accompany you, year after year, leaving no alone - worms, bronchial asthma, diabetes, psoriasis, endocrine, allergic, and many other diseases.

Remember that nature has in our own arrangements to get rid of all diseases, just need to run these mechanisms and BIOMEDIS "unfailingly help you with this!

Quadriderm Fungal Infection

translated from English into Russian., legal issues

educational materials about the legal aspects of the use of domain names and trademarks
about 5,000 characters with spaces = 5 hours

learning materials on usage of domain names and trade marks and their legal bearings.
about 5 000 symbols with spaces = 5 hours of work

As we mentioned in Section 1, with the growth of the Internet, there is a close relationship between domain names and trademarks. Domain names have come into conflict with trademarks. The main reason for such conflict can be attributed to the lack of connection between the system of registering trademarks and the registration of domain names. The former is a system granting territorial rights enforceable only within the designated territory, the latter is a system of granting rights that can be enforced globally ( Tunkel & York, 2000 ). Because trademark law is territorial, a mark may be protected only in the geographic location where it distinguishes its goods or services. Thus, trademark law can tolerate identical or similar marks in different territories even within the same classes of goods and services. Domain names, by contrast, are both unique and global in nature. Only one entity in the world can own the right to use a specific domain name that can be accessed globally ( Efroni, 2002 ). Moreover, there is an opposition procedure for trademarks registration, while there is no notice period for the domain names registration.

The relationship between domain names and trademarks is aptly summarized in the US case of Lockheed

As we mentioned in Section 1, with the growth of the Internet, the concept of a domain name and trademark have begun to converge in its meaning. Domain names are entered into conflict with trademarks. The main reason for this contradiction can be called a lack of communication between the system of registration of trade marks и регистрацией доменных имен. Первой является система предоставления прав, имеющих исковую силу только в пределах указанных территорий, последней же является system of granting rights, which may have legal force and effect worldwide ( Tunkel & York, 2000 ). Since trademark law is territorial spread, the brand is protected only in places where it is specified to provide its products and services . Thus, trademark law may allow the existence of identical or similar trademarks in different areas, even in the same class of goods or services. In contrast, domain names both unique and inherently can be used globally. Only one organization in the world can have the right to use certain domain name for use anywhere in the world ( Efroni, 2002 ). Moreover, with respect to the registration of trade marks there is opposition procedure, while to register domain names no date of termination.

properly summed up in the relationship between domain names and trademarks brands in a court case U.S. companies Lockheed.

Martin Corpn v. NSI ( Case 1 ):

Corporation Martin Corpn n rotiv NSI (Case № a ):

Domain Names present a special problem under the Lanham Act because they are used for both a nontrade mark technical purpose, to designate a set of computers on the Internet, and for trade mark purposes, to identify an Internet user who offers goods or services on the Internet. When a domain name is used only to indicate an address on the Internet, the domain name is not functioning as a trade mark. Like trade names, domain names can function as trade marks, and therefore can be used to infringe trade mark rights.

Domain names, like trade names, do not act as trade marks when they are used merely to identify a business entity; in order to infringe they must be used to identify the source of goods or services.

By law Lanham domain names are a special problem because they are both from the technical to a non-profit marks to denote the set of computers on the Internet, as well as to the brand for the identification of Internet users, and offers products or services on the Internet. When a domain name is used exclusively to refer to Internet addresses, domain name, does not play the role of the brand. As well as trade names, domain names can function as trademarks and thus can be used to assault on trademark rights.

Domain names as trademarks, do not act as trade marks, when they are used only to refer to trade organization; to violate those rights, they should be used to identify the source of goods or services.

For instance, the US case of Playboy Enterprises Inc v. Calvin Designer Label ( Case 2 ): Playboy successfully objected to the registration of the domain names ‘‘’’ and ‘‘’’ on the basis of its registered trademark rights in ‘‘PLAYBOY’’ and ‘‘PLAYMATE’’. The Panel decision showed that the possibility and efficiency of protecting trademarks owners by rejecting the registration of the other parties’ trademarks as domain names at the beginning.

As we know, Internet domain names ending in ‘‘.com’’ are issued by private companies on a first-come, firstserved basis. There is no guarantee that domain names including trademarks can only be registered by trademarks owners. This lack of regulatory control led to a thriving cybersquatting business, in which

individuals would register domain names including the trademarks of well-known companies and then ‘‘ransom’’ the domain names back to the trademarks owners ( Carson, Christensen, & Kandara, 2000 ). Similar to the conflict with trademarks, there is also inconsistency between domain names and other legitimate rights

of identity because the different registration and administration system. As WIPO noted, restrictions of the domain names registration can have an effect on reducing the tension between domain names and intellectual property rights ( Report 5 ).


F. Fangfei Wang / International Journal of Information Management 26 (2006) 116–127 119

example, lawsuit U.S. Playboy Enterprises Inc n rotiv Calvin Designer Label (case number 2): Playboy successfully contested domain name registration '''' and'' ' on the basis of the rights of registered trade marks ''PLAYBOY'' and ''PLAYMATE''. jury's decision showed that there ability to protect trademark holders and this can be done effectively by the refusal of registration of trade marks on behalf of other parties as Domain names at the outset.

As we know, domain names ending in ''. Com'', issued by private companies on the basis of "First come - first served". There is no guarantee that the domain names, including trademarks, can be registered only by owners brands. This lack of regulatory control hi to thriving business of cybersquatting, which is characterized by recording domain names, including trademarks well-known companies, individuals with a view to their subsequent sale to owners of trade marks ( Carson, Christensen, & Kandara, 2000 ). There is also similar to the conflict with the trademarks of inconsistency between domain names and other legitimate rights designation due to differences between the administrative system and the registration system. As noted by the World Organization for Intellectual Property Protection ( WIPO ), restrictions on the registration of domain names can have an impact on reducing the tension between domain names and intellectual rights собственность (Доклад № 5)

F. Fangfei Wang / International Journal of Information Management 26 (2006) 116–127 119

2.3. Legal protection

In response to the above domain names disputes, at the international level, the ICANN was formed in 1998 to take over responsibility for the governance of the DNS. With advice from the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), ICANN developed a Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy. This policy finally adopted in October 1999, provides a mandatory administrative procedure for the resolution of disputes between trademark owners and domain name holders in cases where the domain name has been registered and

is being used in ‘‘bad faith’’ ( Clark, 2005 ). National approaches have kept up with the international development. In 1999, the US Congress passed legislation designed to curb cybersquatters, such as the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA) went into effect on 29 November 1999, amending

Section 43 of the Lanham/Trademark Act. On 30 September 2002, CNNIC approved and implemented the CNNIC Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (CNDRP). In September 2004, Nominet.UK released the second version of Dispute Resolution Service Policy (DRS Policy), which applies to all disputes filed on or after 25 October 2004. It could be regarded as an appendix to the Trade Marks Act 1994 governing domain names.

2.3 Законная защита

В ответ на вышеупомянутые Disputes about domain names, at the international level in 1998 was created the Association for Assigned Names and Numbers Internet ( ICANN ) to control the Domain Names ( DNS ). ICANN on the recommendation of WIPO developed E dinuyu policy for the resolution of disputes relating to Internet domain names. This policy has been fully adopted in October 1999, it aims to implementation of mandatory administrative procedures for making decisions regarding disputes between trademark holders and domain names in cases where domain names were registered and used "unfair» ( Clark, 2005 ). national approach to solving this problem does not lag behind in international development. In 1999, Congress passed laws to curb cybersquatters, For example, the Law on the Protection of users of electronic capture names (ACPA), which entered into force on 29 November 1999, amending the Lanham Act on Trade stamps. September 30, 2002 Center Network Internet-Information of China ( CNNIC ) approved and added to the policy resolution of disputes relating to Internet domain names (CNDRP). In September 2004, Nominet.UK released the second version of the dispute resolution policy associated with the provision of services (DRS Policy), circulated all the controversy, registered October 25, 2004 or later. It can be seen as a supplement to the Law on trademarks in 1994, controls the domain names.

Rash From Make-up Remover

noch ein Test; aus dem Russischen ins Deutsche

Testübersetzung über Nanotechnologien im Rußland und ihre Entwicklung
test translation of nanotechnologies in Russia and their development from Russian into German

SC Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies (RCNT) was established by federal law from 19 July 2007 for the "realization of state policy in nanotechnology, the development of innovation infrastructure in the field of nanotechnology, projects a future of nanotechnology and nanotechnology. " Corporation solves this problem, co-invests in nanotechnology projects with significant economic or social potential. Financial Corporation's participation in the early stages of projects reduces the risks of its partners - private investors. The Corporation participates in building nanotechnology infrastructure, such as centers for communities, business incubators and early-stage investment funds. RCNT selects priority direction of investment based on long-term forecasts (foresight), to develop the leading Russian and world experts.

state corporation 'Rossiyskaya Korporacia nanotehnolgij' (SOEs Rosnanoteh) was on the 19th with federal law Julie in 2007 for the realization of state policy in the field of nanotechnology, the development of innovation infrastructure in the field of nanotechnology and for the realization of projects for the sustainable nanotechnologies and nano-based industries to create. The company solves this problem, the role of Mitinvestionsauftraggeber in nanotechnology projects with significant economic or social potential gambling. The Corporation participates on the financial level in the projects from the beginning and in such manner minimizes risks of the partners, the private investors. The corporation creates such objects of infrastructure such as nanotechnology centers of collective use, business incubators and funds of the early establishment. SOEs Rosnanoteh selects the promising direction on the establishment of the basic long-term development forecasts from leading Russian and world experts will be made.

How Much Doees A Routine Eye Exam Cost

small test translated from Russian into English

маленький тестовый перевод from Russian into English, the subject of time-management or time management

completed in less than 1 hour

small test translation from Russian to English on time management, it took less than an hour.

author suggests that the purpose of the reader - to save time and use it effectively. In what follows, "Work" means any matter, not necessarily professional activities, which the reader is going to do as quickly as possible through effective use of their time.

The author proposes to reduce the the number of wasted time spent, rather than cuts the time needed for each individual action, such as leisure and socializing with neighbors.

But effective use of time requires discipline, so you may have in some way to change your life style - make it more collected и жестким.

Author supposes that the reader's goal is to save his/her time and use it efficiently. Further, we will call as 'job' any activity which is not always related to the professional activity but which is to be done as soon as possible due to efficient use of time.

The author offers to cut the wasted time but not to shorten time for such necessary activity as rest and communication with close people.

But efficient use of time requires self-discipline so you may have to change your lifestyle - make it more accurate and tougher.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Valet Remote Start 551r

The best men in the world!

today came on February 23. When I awoke, it was a typical day like a thousand others before, but it still differs from others, that is dedicated to both men and women understood the importance of the presence of you, dear men in our lives. Wish all the men's health, happiness and good luck! Let every day of the year will be dedicated to you men, smart, sweet, strong and unique!

I wish you all, for whatever you take, brings you the maximum pleasure and sensations. So let us not be ashamed to show their feelings, do not be afraid to take risks, let's do everything passionately and unrestrained! Do not wait for tomorrow, do it all right here and now!

Recently I met a man and he was present, he showed me what it means to love and live happily ever after! I want to wish every man to meet her a real woman! After all, nothing can outshine the best of luck at work and at rest the world as a failure in his personal life. How many times have I seen a man out of fear that he cheated, thrown or will lie, deprived themselves of the best that we have in our short life - love and feeling that love thee.

man, remember, you yourself decide what is your life - bright or bleak ...

Man, you're harder than woman, because you have to always be strong and always be the best, I understand and I wish you strength will always be strong and the best, patience with us the wisdom to keep my happiness when you found it, and good luck to all went easy!

Perhaps the wish is too large in volume, but it is sincere!

Люблю вас всех и тебя одного ...

Friday, February 20, 2009

Orange Modern Bath Rugs

My resume in English, German and Russian

Here you will find detailed information about me and my work experience in English and German

Here you will find information about me and my experience

Date of birth: 14 December, 1985
City: Kiev, Ukraine
Languages: Russian (native), Ukrainian (fluent), English (fluent), German (fluent), Latin (beginner's level) , French (beginner's level)

Work experience:

Freelance, Translator, Copywriter

May 2008 — present

I translate from and to English, German, Ukrainian and Russian. Sometimes, I write articles.
Specialisation fields: business, economics, finance, law and legal, contracts, IT (software development).

Freelance translator, copywriter

June 2009 – May 2010
Idealux GmbH ( )

I translated from English and German to Russian, wrote so called text matrices and SЕО texts. Specialisation fields: LED lighting technologies, general lighting issues, business, science. Permanent employment.

SimpleArt ( ), design studio
October 2007 — May 2008 (7 months)

I wrote articles in English and German on various themes,including cell phones, laptops and so on. Permanent employment.


Eurasian Chemical Market ( ), specialized chemical magazine
June 2007 — November 2007 (4 months)

I translated and wrote articles on themes «chemistry, chemical products manufacturing, economics, finances», I was responsible for correspondence with foreign companies and speaking. Also, I had experience of consecutive translation.


2003 — 2008 — Taurian national university of V. I. Vernadsky (Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraine), faculty of foreign philology, department of “Translation theory and practices and sociolinguistics”, master’s degree (translation from German and English to Russian and Ukrainian)

Courses :

January – March 2010 – courses of consecutive translation at international centre for education and translation "Ukraina-Svit" ( / )

Membership in specialized organizations

September 2009 – present – member of the Ukrainian Association of Translators.

October 2009 – present – member of, world's largest community of translators

ICQ: 482 087 047
E-mail: info @ hq-translation (dot) com
References on my work (in Russian): = customers
Profile at

Nadezhda Iwanzowa

Date of birth: 14/12/1985
City: Kiev, Ukraine
languages: Russian (mother tongue), Ukrainian (Very good), English (very good), German (very good), Latin (beginning level), French (beginning level)
ICQ: 482 087 047
E-mail :
website (examples of my work):

Work Experience:
Freelance translator
May 2008 - until now
I translate from English and German into Russian and Ukrainian. Areas of Specialization : finance, scientific articles and literature, contracts, law, business correspondence, literature, software and much else.

Idealux GmbH ( ), f reiberufliche translator and Copywriteri
June 2009 - May 2010 (11 months)
I worked with the German, English and Russian languages. Areas of Specialization: LED lighting technologies, problems general lighting, business and science.

simpleart, Design Studio (
) Copywriterin
October 2007 - May 2008 (7 months)
article I wrote after the specified topics in German and English.

Eurasian Chemical Market, business-chemical journal ( ), translator

June 2007 - November 2007 (4 months)
I translated and wrote articles by topic "Chemistry, manufacturing of products of chemical industry, economy, finance," was responsible for correspondence with foreign companies and telephone calls . I interpreted and accompanied Experts from Austria, when they came to repair equipment (5 Injection), the Austrian company that sold my company.

2003 - 2008 - Tauride National University of WI Vernadsky (Ukraine, Crimea, Simferopol) , Faculty of the foreign ; ndisches Philology, Department of theory and practice of translation and interpreting and Sociolinguistics " MA (Translation - German and English)


January - March 2010 - Courses of consecutive interpreting for international center of education and translation "Ukraina-Svit" (English language)

membership in specialized organizations
September 2009 - March 2010 - Ukrainian Association of Translators and Interpreters. This organization does not almost, I made the decision to cancel the membership.
October 2009 - to date - Member of Erin, the world's largest community of translators and interpreters.

И, конечно же, резюме in Russian ;-))))

Ivancova Nadezhda

Date of Birth: 14/12/1985
Residence: Kiev, Ukraine
ICQ: 482087047

freelance translator, copywriter
May 2008 - present
Working with English, German, Ukrainian and Russian languages, the implementation translation in any direction for these languages. Translation of training video CDs, movies and cartoons. Consecutive and Simultaneous translation. Writing articles on given topics.

freelance translator, copywriter
June 2009 - May 2010 (11 months)
Idealux GmbH (
Translation from English German and Russian, rewriting in English and German, writing of text matrices, SEO copywriting. Subject - LED technology, the problem of general lighting, business, science. Permanent employment.

October 2007 - May 2008 (8 months)
Simple Art (, a design studio
Writing articles on the given subjects in English and German languages. Permanent employment.

July 2007 - November 2007 (5 months)
Eurasian Chemical Market ( ), A specialized chemical journal
Translation and writing articles on subjects' chemistry, the production of chemicals and chemical products, economy, Finance, was responsible for correspondence with foreign firms and talks on the phone. In addition, accompanied by representatives of companies from Austria in during repair of equipment purchased by domestic enterprises in the company (consecutive). Permanent employment.

2003 - 2008 - Taurian National University. Vernadsky, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Department of Theory and Practice of Translation and sociolinguistics, Master (translation - German and English)

January - March 2010 - consecutive interpretation courses at the International Center of Education and the translation of "Ukraine-Sweet» (
May - July 2007 - Course "secretary-office manager" at the Interregional Academy. N. Kruchinina

Professional Community :
September 2009 - April 2010 - Member of Ukrainian Translators Association. Decided to cancel their membership because the organization is actually not functioning.

Languages :
Native or fluent: Russian and Ukrainian;
Advanced: English and German;
Starting level: French, Latin.

I look forward to a successful mutually beneficial cooperation!

Antivirus Official Rating

test translation work of art from German into Russian

Beispiel der Testübersetzung der schöngeistigen Literatur aus dem Deutschen ins Russische

Am anderen Ende des Hauses klingelte das Telefon. Das Haus war lang und schmal,
and between me and the phone had furniture that had to get around and a corridor. Nevertheless
I managed it in time. At the other end of the line was Bill Denicolo, an old friend of mine from Chicago. After we chatted for a while, he asked,
"Jim, how good you are is to find gold? Modesty has never been my forte, so I told him the truth. "Well, I said," I am one of the best at it, if not the best. That was enough for him. He was my friend, and he knew I was promoted mineral resources, he believed me. "I work with a few people who want to look for gold in the jungle of South America,
he said. "And we need your help. We would pay you the current price and you do not participate in the profits.


В другом конце дома зазвенел телефон. Дом was long and narrow, between me and the phone was furniture that had to be bypassed and the vestibule. Despite this, I managed to arrive on time. At the other end wire was Bill Denicola, my old friend from Chicago. After a brief conversation, he asked: "How are you good at gold digging?". Modesty has never been my forte and I told him the truth: "Well, - I said - in this case I am one of the best if not the best." For him it was enough. He was my friend, and therefore knew that I was producing minerals, and believe me.

«I'm still working with a couple of people who want to go for gold in the virgin forests of South America. "- he said. "And we need your help. We will pay you a bet plus a share prey. »

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test perevodik; translation from Ukrainian to Engish

small testovoe the task in localization with Ukrainian to English

small test translation from Ukrainian to English

On Wednesday, January 21, in Kiev, the official presentation new gender of Equal Opportunities and Women's Rights in Ukraine.

program implemented by the Ukrainian government with assistance United Nations Development Programme in Ukraine, the European Commission and the Swedish Agency for International Cooperation and Development.

One of the sponsors Yabchenko Nicholas said that Ukrainian society faces significant challenges, often without realizing the cause, повідомляє Німецька хвиля.

In Wednesday on 21 of January, a new gender project “Program of equal opportunities and rights for women in Ukraine ” will be presented officially.

The Ukrainian government will perform the Program with the assistance of the Development program of UNO in Ukraine , EC representative office and Swedish agency on international cooperation and development.

Mykola Iabchenko, one of the project authors, announced that the Ukrainian society faces serious threats not realizing their reasons very often, as Deutsche Welle informs.

Rules Of Contents Insurance

green one ...

article was written as a test. Still, I love this topic of biofuels :-))))
I really love theme 'biofuel', I've got great experience in this field as a translator ;-)))

green one ...

humanity for a long time lived on Earth and during that time has managed to deplete non-renewable energy resources. But thanks to research aimed at finding new sources of energy, it was found that for these purposes, you can use the wind sun and biomass. Each of these sources is useful and beneficial in its own way. But enthusiasts are looking for methods for producing fuel that could oust oil from first place on the profit brought by its owners. Currently, everyone already has proven that the study of a method of fuel production should be focus primarily on profitability, rather than a positive impact on the environment. Can we find a compromise in such a case?
Studies has arisen during the oil crisis of the 70's, quite clearly demonstrate that biofuels can not only be based on corn, wheat, sunflower, rape or the use of coffee beans, as recently revealed, but also on the basis of mikrovodosley. Despite the fact that the study of those times were almost instantly closed after the return of oil prices on the previous position, this issue has not been forgotten and now rose from oblivion to the new forces, since it is all it became apparent that not enough oil for a long time. Even the most foolish American neftevomu magnate becomes clear that the use of mikrovodosley as renewable source of fuel is much more effective than currently available technology when he sees the results of the above studies. The figures speak for themselves. According to statistics, an acre can produce about 68 liters per year, derived from corn, 386 liters a year from sunflower and about 7,000 liters per year from microalgae, and if you create the most favorable conditions for most of these algae, you can get up to 56,775 liters per year of biofuels, as forecasts of scientists tell us. In this method of processing algae are extremely simple and can be said, even primitive. There are three main method - it squeeze through the press or the separator, the election extraction in the supercritical state and the selective separation and subsequent cleaning with hexane. So maybe that's enough humanity to prove that clear? Or the greed of oil tycoons is above the needs and even survival the entire human race?
Personally I have no doubts about the effectiveness of new methods of producing fuel for our cars, homes, factories and factories. Do you?

Building A Small Motor For A Toy

translation site clinic, Web-Seite der Klinik

8,979 characters - 10 hours, area: medicine, oncology, general medicine. part of the translation

8979 symbols - 10 hours of work, field: medicine, oncology, general

8979 Symbole - 10 Stunden der Arbeit, Thematik: Medizin, Onkologie, allgemein
. Ich veröffentliche only part of the translation


Our Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery and Transplant Surgery is the largest ; te transplant center in northern Germany and the largest children's liver transplant center in Europe. In addition, the clinic has established here at the UKE, Europe's first live liver donation program. In the field of kidney transplantation, we offer all new transplant techniques. Besides the treatment of cancer the gall bladder and liver, we have specialized in minimally invasive gallbladder disease and other benign liver tumors. For this we offer innovative therapies, including 3-D reconstruction and to navigation.


Our clinic hepatopancreatobiliary and Transplant Surgery is the largest transplant centers in Northern Germany and the largest Center for Children's Liver transplantation in Europe. In addition, our clinic has established here at the Medical Clinic of Hamburg-Eppendorf (Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, or abbreviated UKE) first pan-European program for the voluntary donation of the liver. In the field of kidney transplantation, we offer the latest technology to transplant. Along with the treatment of cancer of the gallbladder and liver, we specialize in minimally invasive operations, common diseases of the gallbladder and benign liver tumors. To this end, we offer innovative therapies, including 3-D reconstruction and navigation.


Together with the Departments of Internal Medicine and Radiology, we have established the first interdisciplinary specialty clinic for patients with liver and biliary tract tumors. The goal is to examine the patient in only one case qualified appointment thanks to the various specialists and then unverzüglich die Therapie einzuleiten. Auch niedergelassene Kollegen können hier ihre Tumorpatienten vorstellen.

office hours

In collaboration with the clinics therapy and radiology, we established the first interdisciplinary SPECIAL outpatient admission of patients with tumors in the liver and gall bladder. The aim is to view at one time a patient with the participation of experts of various specializations, and immediately on contact to treatment. Also, patients with tumors can lead our officially admitted-employed counterparts.


Ein Schwerpunkt der Forschung is to develop a replacement for liver and pancreas tissue (tissue engineering and transplantation immunology). We are also developing new techniques for conserving surgery in biliary tract and liver in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Научные исследования

Основной задачей research is the creation of replacement tissue for liver and pancreas (creating tissue and transplant immunology). In addition, We develop new technologies for preserving surgery for biliary tract and liver, in cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Education and Science (BMBF).


is connected to our Clinic only German Chair for the "special surgical treatment of diseases of the liver and bile ducts.

Даты и факты

to our clinic, attached only to the German department "specialized surgical treatment of diseases of liver and biliary путей. "


work in the clinic 18 Ä doctors with different specialties (surgery, microbiology, urology, internal medicine) and 22 Pfl ege-kr cantle.


In our clinic are 18 doctors of different specialties (surgery, microbiology, urology, therapy), as well as 22 other people staff.

Can I Drive Using Indian Licence New York

distance learning system Moodle; Übersetzung aus dem Deutschen

translation of the diploma work of the distance learning system Moodle
overall workload of about 70 pages время выполнения 8-9 дней.
Публикую лишь часть работы.

translation of paragraphs from some degree work on Moodle learning system
total amount about 70 pages,
time required for work days 8-9. I publish only some part of the work.

translation of some paragraphs from the Dimplomarbeit of AI approaches to learning in adaptive learning management systems
total time for the translation of 8-9 days, total - 70 pages. I publish only part of the translation

4.3 Development and implementation of user interface

To the learner the choice of a learning activity support it is necessary to

by inference optimal solution calculated in the user interface of the

Moodle learning management system to integrieren. Dabei soll eine nahtlose Integration

in die bestehende Oberfläche erreicht werden.

4.3 Develop and transform the operating environment

To support the student in choosing the form training necessary to integrate computed by inference the optimal solution in a user interface management system learning process in the system Moodle . At the same time must be achieved seamless integration into existing operating envelope.

4.3.1 Adaptives iLMS-Kursformat

for adaptive navigation support in a price structure, it would be suitable in

Moodle to use a new course format as an extension module. A course format is thus constitutes a specific layout, to be presented as a course the learner over. The implementation of the learner adaptation in a course format offers the advantage that they can all be used in existing Moodle learning modules, the course format because it calls only via an interface. It must, therefore, no new learning modules created yet vorhandene aus Gründen der Kompatibilität angepasst werden.

4.3.1 Adaptive iLMS -format courses

for adaptive navigation support in the course structure suggests the application of new Format of the Course as the expansion module. In this format of course is a layout of how the student will be presented course. Application of learning to adapt to the format of the course has the advantage of all available in the system Moodle training modules can be applied more widely, since format of the course causes them exclusively through the interface. Therefore, must be created new training modules, as well as established on the basis of available совместимости.

is in Moodle with the weekly format ("weekly") is already a standard course format

provided that all the learning activities of the course structured display and after

sections (weeks) groups. A copy of the weekly format can therefore be

basis for the ILMS-course format , Which serve only the learner-adaptive

elements to represent the adaptation solution found should be added.

As the continue to be used in Moodle existing formatting functions

able to fit the layout of the course format very similar to the appearance of the other

Moodle - pages to .

The system Moodle along with the format of time in a week (" weekly ") already has a standard format courses, when shown a structured form of training and grouped according to the passages of time (weeks). A copy of the week "format can serve as a starting point for iLMS -format courses through which added exclusively educational and adaptive elements for submission to the obtained solution adaptation. Because the existing system Moodle formatting functions can be used in the future layout of the format is considerably adapts the look of the other pages of Moodle .

Each course can be viewed by a learner in a presentation mode.

addition, there is an edit mode ("Turn editing on", see Section, in which

the characteristics and learning activities of the course an authorized user

(for example, a course administrator) can be edited.

Each course can be viewed by a student in the mode of presentation. Along with this there is the editing mode (" Turn editing on ", see Section, in which an authorized user (eg administrator courses) can change the properties and forms of training course. Adaptive annotation im Präsentationsmodus

is in presentation mode, a course in Moodle principle of three vertical

areas in the PHP code through an invisible HTML table layout be generated by 1 line

and 3 columns. The left and right margins, various

blocks are added, which additional tasks and functions for the course provide

such as the display of the students, the announcement of

events, etc. In the middle section, the existing learning activities from the course structure

appear in the learners can select a learning activity (Figure 4.2). Адаптивное комментирование presentation mode

in presentation mode in front of you appears a course consisting of three vertical focus areas, which are created in PHP -code using invisible HTML -table layout in a row and 3 columns. The left and right, you can add various components that activate additional tasks and functions of course, for example, the rate of learning in courses, event notifications and more. In the middle is shown consisting of various forms of training course structure, in which students can choose the form of training (Image 4.2).

Food Poision Symptoms

agreement on investment in the company of Greece; translation from English

21,375 characters - 7-8 hours = $ 66. was done as a matter of порядке. привожу лишь часть документа

21 375 symbols were translated in 7-8 hours for $ 66th Urgent task. I publish only some part of the document

21 375 symbols were translated for 7-8 hours for $ 66 . Work was done urgently. I publish only part of the contract

- For investments with important impact on the international competitiveness of the country and the employment, of at least EUR 50 million and creation of a minimum of 125 new permanent employment positions, the percentage of subsidy, tax exemption and leasing subsidy is determined for each investment by a Joint Decision of the Minister of Economy and Finance and the Minister of Development, as well as of the co-competent Ministers depending on each case. Additionally, the same decision may: regulate the construction with public funds of special infrastructure works in order to facilitate the general operation of the unit. The above joint ministerial decisions shall be previously sanctioned by law.

- for investments that will have a strong impact on international competitiveness and employment, in the amount of from EUR 50 million, creating at least 125 new jobs, the joint decision of the Minister of Economy and Finance and the Minister of Development, as well as knowledgeable Ministers in this area depending on each case will be determined by the percentage of subsidies, tax exemptions and leasing subsidies separately for each case of investments. In addition, the same solution is right: to regulate the conduct of special infrastructure works for public funds to facilitate the overall activities of departments. The above-mentioned joint Ministerial decision must be approved законом.


By joint decision of the Ministers of Development and of Economy and Finance, and following prior approval by the European Union, the establishment of micro or small businesses is aided, along with the implementation expenditure of these businesses, if established in the last five years.

The aid provided in this case will not exceed the amount of two million (2,000,000) euro for each small or micro enterprise located in the regions (areas) where there is serous underemployment (areas of article 87, para. 3, case a of the EU Treaty) and of one million (1,000,000) euros in the regions where the development of certain economic activities is promoted, or in economic regions, provided that the aid scheme will not alter the transaction terms in a way that is contra to the common interest (article 87, para. 3, case c of the EU Treaty). The same decision may regulate the areas of the State, where the suggested aid should be attributed, the sectors where the aided business should operate, etc.

24.1 creation of small businesses

joint decision of the Minister of Development and Economy and Finance and the subsequent prior approval of the European Union will provide assistance in the creation of small businesses along with providing monetary assistance for the implementation of the business if the company was created in the past five years.

afforded in this case, the assistance will not exceed two million (2,000,000) euros each small plant which is located in the regions (provinces), where there is high unemployment (area under Article 87, paragraph 3, the case of the EU Convention), and one million (1,000,000 euros) in regions which are stimulated by certain economic activities or economic regions, provided that the scheme of assistance will not change the conditions соглашения, что противоречило бы общим интересам (статья 87, параграф 3, дело из конвенции ЕС ). То же самое решение может регулировать деятельность в тех areas of the country where the alleged aid should be getting, industries, which will run the company, assisted care, etc.


Investments or programs, or business plans which until 23/12/2004 (publication date of law 3299/2004) are eligible under the provisions of law 2601/98 or have completed the examination and eligibility procedures by the competent services and advisory committees, but the summary of their eligibility decision has not been published in the Government Gazette, are ruled by the provisions in force before the entry into force of law 3299/2004.

For investments under law 2601/98, whose implementation already started but not completed at the entry into force of law 3299/2004 and will last more than one accounting period, the provisions of law 2601/98 for the non-taxable reductions, the provisions of article 6, para. 27, of art. 8 para. 24 of law 2601/98, and of art. 21, para. 5 of law 3259/2004 for the implementation of non-taxable reductions, continue to apply until the accomplishment of the investments within the forecast 5-year period.


Investments or programs or business plans that meet the requirements of the law 2601/98 to 23/12/2004 (date of publication of the law 3299/2004 ) or that have been studied and passed the procedures for compliance with eligibility by the competent bodies and advisory committees, but the results of their activities were not published in the Official Gazette and subject to the general provisions having legal force until the Act came into force 3299/2004.

To subject to the law 2601/98 investments that are already started but not finished yet with the coming into force of the law 3299/2004 and last more than one reporting period, the rules of law 2601/98 on non-taxable reduction of the provisions of Article 6, paragraph 27, article 8, paragraph 24 of the Act 2601/98 and Article 21, paragraph 5 of Law 3259/2004 on the non-taxable reduction, continue to operate until the completion of investment within the projected 5-year period.