Friday, February 20, 2009

Antivirus Official Rating

test translation work of art from German into Russian

Beispiel der Testübersetzung der schöngeistigen Literatur aus dem Deutschen ins Russische

Am anderen Ende des Hauses klingelte das Telefon. Das Haus war lang und schmal,
and between me and the phone had furniture that had to get around and a corridor. Nevertheless
I managed it in time. At the other end of the line was Bill Denicolo, an old friend of mine from Chicago. After we chatted for a while, he asked,
"Jim, how good you are is to find gold? Modesty has never been my forte, so I told him the truth. "Well, I said," I am one of the best at it, if not the best. That was enough for him. He was my friend, and he knew I was promoted mineral resources, he believed me. "I work with a few people who want to look for gold in the jungle of South America,
he said. "And we need your help. We would pay you the current price and you do not participate in the profits.


В другом конце дома зазвенел телефон. Дом was long and narrow, between me and the phone was furniture that had to be bypassed and the vestibule. Despite this, I managed to arrive on time. At the other end wire was Bill Denicola, my old friend from Chicago. After a brief conversation, he asked: "How are you good at gold digging?". Modesty has never been my forte and I told him the truth: "Well, - I said - in this case I am one of the best if not the best." For him it was enough. He was my friend, and therefore knew that I was producing minerals, and believe me.

«I'm still working with a couple of people who want to go for gold in the virgin forests of South America. "- he said. "And we need your help. We will pay you a bet plus a share prey. »


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