Saturday, September 13, 2008

In Nettle Ok For A Cat

Me goes Old School

I just peep on TV so nen old home movie.
following dialogue:

Miss: "I must still go pick apples. "
Man:" But this is men's work "
Miss:" As a little girl, I'm already grown up trees "
man!: "May I then at least follower?" Me: * eye roll * Miss
: "Please, please pick up a basket."

I found kind of funny. Have googled times is like the movie, only to realize then that my mother had me can say faster. The film is called "Kohlhiesels Daughters "and is from 1962 with Lieselotte powder. The movie I look for the second time and now I want to see even discuss the end. It is about twins, a pretty and an "ugly". The pretty travels around the world, or rather said, because it plays in Switzerland, I'm going for Frankfurt * lol *. The other sister stays home and works on the farm. the father is looking for just the daughter NEN husband.
Some old movies I like. Soon I'll get me on the subject from 1951.

Wow, the end of the film: The Toni Susi (the "ugly") married because he wanted to inherit the farm. First he had to drink it is beautiful, then he has destroyed the apartment and he wanted to get divorced again. A brilliant idea came from de other sister, who has made the beautiful Susie (just styled like them). And wonder of wonders! He then no longer wanted to get divorced. HAPPY END!
May today at all no matter how movies are made? Answer: Yes! And it is called Twilight by Stephenie Meyer! * * Throw away

man, I read interesting things in my blog!

+ + +

Reminiscent of my interest from the classical music of the past week:

This is Handel's Water Music and I found one of the most beautiful that have been mentioned. In
Castle I Capture the Castle is played this music, while Cassandra and Neill swim in the moat:).

The Nocturne by Chopin (Op.9 No.2) Gabriele Kloterjahn in Tristan by Thomas Mann at the piano played. I like Thomas Mann, but more than I thought.

And what I found really great that I found it: the Pavane! I love the Pavane!



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